The Village of Gold River is undertaking an economic development planning process to develop a two-year economic development strategy. The purpose of undertaking the strategy is to continue the process of economic diversification and resiliency by creating a strong economic base that can better capitalize on and create opportunities for the residents of Gold River.
The goal is to create a strategy that is grounded in the values of Gold River residents, the economic realities of the region and the capacity and resources that are available. Council’s vision is to develop comprehensive and realistic actions that can be implemented in the short, medium and long term.
Community engagement is important as the community creates the vision and goals that will become the basis for the economic development strategy. It will be important that people feel that they can be frank and honest during the engagement process. The on-line survey is designed so that survey results will be held in confidence.
On-Line Survey
A simple survey has been developed and Gold River Community members are encouraged to complete the survey which can be found at the link here on the Gold River Buzz.
This project is supported by a grant from the Rural Dividend Program and by the Ministry of Forest, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. If you have any questions or additional comments, please contact Kathy Lachman, Regional Manager for Rural Development for the Province of BC at: [email protected]